The "Early Years Foundation Stage" (EYFS) requires us as a setting to carry out a progress check when your child is two. This will be a written summary of how your child is progressing in the three prime areas of learning: language and communication, physical development, personal, social and emotional development.

This will highlight areas where your child is progressing well and any areas where they might need extra support. During your child's time in the toddler room, we will be carrying out your child's "Progress Check" - you will then be given a copy to take home, giving you the opportunity to contribute.

When you have the date for your child's 2-year-old check from your health visitor, please let the staff know so that we can make sure the progress check has been completed. 

We aim to offer a welcome to each individual child and family to provide a warm and caring environment within which all children can learn and develop as they play.
  • What does the Progress Check cover?

    The 2 year old Progress Check enables practitioners and parents to understand the child's needs and plan activities to meet them.

    The Progress Check will also cover:

    • Your child's general develepment, including movement, speech, social skills, behaviour, hearing and vision.
    • Note areas where a child is progressing well and identify any areas where progress is less than expected.
    • Describe actions the setting intends to take to address any developmental concerns (including working with other professionals where appropriate).
  • Will settings be told when the health visitor is conducting their health and development review?

    No, settings will not be automatically notified. They should ask parents to let them know when their child is due to have this review.

  • When is the cut-off date for the Progress Check to be completed by settings?

    The Progress Check must be completed by the time the child is 36 months old.

  • Does that mean that a child who hasn't been to any pre-school provision or childminder will miss out on the 2 year Progress Check?

    Yes, the main purpose of the Progress Check is to inform parents. However, the progress of the child should be under review throughout the early years and if their progress in any prime area gives the setting cause for concern then it must be discussed with parents to find out how best to support the child.

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