Please contact Scamps directly for Fee Information
Extra Charges
Hot Meals (£3.00)
Snacks (£1.00)
• Fees are payable monthly, in advance and are due on the 1st day of the month (this also includes Childcare Vouchers). Invoices will be issued at the end of each month for the month ahead. Regretfully, there are no credit facilities. Failure to pay in the first week of the invoice being issued will result in late charges being applied and possibly the services being withdrawn and the place being forfeited as if notice had been given.
• Payment can be made by Bank transfer, Childcare vouchers and Tax free childcare accounts. (please let us know of any scheme you are entitled to)
• Bank account details are available from Scamps.
• Days booked are not interchangeable and cannot be swapped without prior arrangement. We will always try and accommodate your requirements wherever possible.
• The fees you pay are to reserve a place for your child at Scamps and are payable irrespective of illness, holidays or non-attendance for any other reason. Full fees must be paid if your child is absent through illness or holidays.
• £100.00 non-refundable registration fee for Nursery Places and a £50.00 non-refundable registration fee for either Breakfast, After School or Holiday Club. This amount is payable for each applicant/child, this will then secure a place.
• Late notice sessions may be available and pricing is available upon request, payment for these sessions are to be made on the day.
• We require two month's notice if you intend to withdraw your child from Scamps after confirmation of a place. We are obliged to charge the full two month's if this courtesy is ignored.
• Please note that all Fee structures will be looked at and will be implemented in the April of each year.
Scamps of Benson
Lowfield House, 10 Churchfield Lane, Benson,
Oxfordshire, OX10 6SH
T: 01491-835047