Our overriding childcare philosophy is to provide a warm, safe and happy environment, and one in which each child receives stimulation correctly levelled at his/her own particular age and stage of development.
We believe that the learning of new concepts proceeds much more effectively when children feel happy and secure, and so to this end we combine the very best elements of current learning philosophy, using Ofsted recommendations as our guideline.
We also operate a before, after school and holiday club - you can find out further information by visiting here.
Special attention is paid to the particular needs of each of the age groups within the nursery. Timetables, weekly activity planning sheets and details of topic work being carried out are available. We encourage parents to bring in anything they may have at home, related to our topics, that we can include in the children's activities.
Early Years Funding
The LEA Nursery Grant Education Voucher System is a grant available for eligible children for up to 5 terms prior to reaching statutory school age dependent on date of birth.
It provides a core place for a 2½ hour session for 5 sessions a week during term time (subject to availability of space). Parents of eligible children must complete an individual declaration form which is forwarded to the LEA, parents must ensure that no more than 5 sessions of the grant are claimed.
Children who register with Scamps after the headcount day will not be able to claim the grant until the LEA advise us that they will be able to be included.